Dear crunchy granola mammas and midwives,
All of this talk about how childbirth is not actually painful is a bold faced lie. You've got all these first time mamas talking about how they don't buy into the "myth" about pain and then wind up stressed out running to Emergency because they have round ligament pain- which is normal and doesn't mean the baby is distressed. In fact it is just a mere taste of what is to come.
I think it is a real diservice not to prepare these women. I honestly felt like i was DYING b/c i was in real pain and i was told and read every stinking recommended book that all said - its not pain just uncomfortable pressure....and that it should be easy if i did my homework.....i did the drills......i did the perinnial massage......i did the breathing......and it still hurt! At one point in my first delivery I started trying to scan my memory for all of the movies where they did last rites for the dying and was mumbling prayers- AND I'M NOT EVEN CATHOLIC.
When my psycho nurse finally tells me she cannot take the screaming anymore and calls the anesthesiologist I was hoping for relief- but the epidural didn't take- only half of my body went numb and the other was in screaming bloody pain. I remember asking the nurse if I was dying. I asked if my body could literally shatter into pieces. She never answered me. (insert expletive of choice!)
I cannot take it anymore when I hear you going on about how it is all mental rather than physical pain.....RIIIIIIIIGHT....having a canonball shot through your vagina is just mentally uncomfortable. ARE YOU LISTENING TO YOURSELF?
I don't understand how you can lie to these girls- why not tell them that it hurts like heck but your body is made to withstand the pain and you'll make it through to the other side- it won't go on forever. I am a firm believer in the power of the mind........but to say it won't hurt frusterates me....and in all honestly it makes me feel bad- are you saying b/c my labor hurt i wasn't doing it right? wasn't good enough?
I don't understand how you can lie to these girls- why not tell them that it hurts like heck but your body is made to withstand the pain and you'll make it through to the other side- it won't go on forever. I am a firm believer in the power of the mind........but to say it won't hurt frusterates me....and in all honestly it makes me feel bad- are you saying b/c my labor hurt i wasn't doing it right? wasn't good enough?
My second delivery (which involved spinach pizza, our stairwell and paramedics) and third delivery (peaceful water birth)were natural births and didn't last 30 + hours and only had minimal screaming. I've had great labours compared to many- my stories are not horror stories but probably closer to the average. And in each case it still hurt.
Please- for the sake of all of these woman who are now the walking wounded feeling like they didn't have the "birth experience" that they were lead to believe was possible- PLEASE tell the truth.
Giving. Birth. Hurts. Alot.
It's worth it.
You likely won't die.
And it hurts.
But the stitches and afterpains sometimes are even worse.
And it hurts to poo
And you likely will get hemorrhoids
And it will hurt.
Giving birth hurts.