Sunday, June 23, 2013

Never Ending Quest for Home School Resources!

I've been given a Premium Membership to for a candid, personal, online review.

VocabularySpellingCity helps students study word lists using 25 different learning activities such as UnscrambleHangmanWordFind, and Crossword Puzzle.  Parents can create their own spelling lists, find published lists already available on the site, or use any of dozens of  free teaching resources on topics such as Analogies and Syllables.  Be sure to come back in three weeks to read about my experience.

There might be more free memberships available for bloggers.  If you're interested, find out how you can review

Look forward to an update soon once my girls have a chance to try it! 

UPDATE: well......we've not used it as often as we should have- it is an amazing resource- but a bit older for my children.